World Disconnection to self re-connection

Power In Pain

Act of kindness, caring, loving, charity&spiritual awakening Confess=Repent=Forgive=Pray=Love=Give=Smile=Win

         About us

Silungile is a content creator about many aspects of life experiences expressed through dance

Silungile has turned her past experiences to achieve God’s potential, and became a visual story teller through all discovered talents developed. She is a multi-disciplinary digital creator who expresses and responds to her emotions via spiritual dance, creation of achievements in modern fashion style and her unique lifestyle brands in different categories.

Come join us

My past experiences became my inspirations and fuel to freedom and my success to give back to the community


I conduct free dance classes on site and online. All events will be announced on our website and my social media platforms

Our impact

This is all about opening an eye to understand the strategy that the devil uses to steal human joy and peace, by learning to allow ourselves to embrace our current situations and approaching them with wisdom from God and using all negative past experiences to fuel our progressings. Everyone is going through something, but there is alway a light in the end of a tunnel.

Our partners
Want to make a difference?

Help us raise money to reach out to more and more communities

PLEASE SUPPORT: For my online store and my store services please click on the link below:

Please support my personal online store services SYAVAYA STYLE as illustrated on the logo below. website is

Please also support my youtube channel by subscribing, liking and commenting in my contents